I'm just about to pull the plug on the cable modem, return the last couple bits and bobs, zip the backpack and be ready for my ride to the airport. The giddiness is definitely kicking in.
It's been a very nice long goodbye over the past couple weeks - full of picnics and patio beers and dancing. There are many things about the people in my life that I'll miss. For the first time, I can also say that about the place. Sitting yesterday in the working centre cafe, munching on delicious food for the umpteenth time, it hit me harder than normal that there are many things in K-W that I have come to love.
But it's definitely time to go. A long walk along the Cornwall cliffs and a hand-pulled pint in the village pub is calling my name. My flight today takes me to London, where I'll catch the Great Western train down the coast to Penzance. It'll be a very pretty 5 hour ride, past red cliffs and blitzed coastal towns, until I get to the end of the line and head up to my Aunt's hilltop redoubt to chase sheep and sleep deeply in the sea air.
Catch you all on the flip side.
My mind went right to "The Pirates of Penzance", by the way. Though it's not surprising that I'd be the one to spot the musical reference.
God's speed Josh! You will be dearly missed. I can't wait to read about your adventures and hear your stories when you return!